Monday, December 1, 2014

Same day slide show? - Cleveland Wedding Photographer

I am starting to implement same day slide shows into my business. What I love about the same day slide show is that it gives the couple a chance to see what has been leading up to the moments before they've seen each other before the ceremony and it brings back that rush of emotion from the ceremony in a perspective they haven't been able to see yet.

So, how is a same day slideshow accomplished? It's actually incredibly simple and I'm not sure why I hadn't thought about it before!

What you need:

~ Your DSLR filled with beautiful images
~ Your IPad
~ The USB cord that came with your camera
~ A Camera Connector Kit for your IPad.

This is all you need to accomplish a slideshow on your IPad, if that is how you'd like to present it. This is a good option if there isn't a place to set up a projector or if you don't own one. I also use a projector when possible, which can be set up in an inconspicuous place,..a corner of the ballroom, the hall leading into the ballroom, etc...If using the IPad only, you can set the IPad up on the gift table, the cake table, anywhere where it won't be in the way and I can have my assistant keep an eye on it throughout the night.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Kaitlin's Senior Portraits - Keystone High School, LaGrange, Ohio Photographer - Cleveland, Ohio Wedding Photographer

I had the pleasure of shooting this gorgeous girls Senior Portraits a few weeks ago. Kaitlin is a senior at Keystone High School in LaGrange, Ohio and she recently found out she has been accepted to Cleveland State University! Awesome job Kaitlin, you are off to amazing places! 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Monday, November 24, 2014

Silver Creek Metro Park Engagement Session, Wadsworth, Ohio. Cleveland Wedding Photography.

Sarah and Scott will be married on December 5th, 2014 at The Pavilion on Front Street in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. ( I am SO excited about the details of their wedding and cannot wait to photograph it! Hint hint...there will be ICE SKATING! Swoon...

We had their engagement session at Silvercreek Metro Park in Wadsworth Ohio over the summer and they blew me away with how easy and fun they were to photograph! We walked though the trail and hang out in the field for a bit before the bride was practically kidnapped by a man on a horse! She was brought back safely a few minutes later, but I could tell her groom was a little worried that she had rode off into the sunset (Literally!) with someone else. I love when there's a good story to tell about a session! :)

Monday, November 10, 2014

Amanda and Kyle, Cleveland Wedding Photography

Amanda and Kyle were married on a chilly November day. The bride looked dazzling and vintage. The groom smooth and cool. I love when a day comes together as perfectly as Amanda and Kyle's day did...

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Stephanie and Jason's Wedding Day

I met Stephanie and Jason just 3 weeks before their wedding date, a day packed full of love and romance. When two people are this much on love it is an absolute joy to be a part of their wedding day!

Sweet Family Session at Silver Creek Metro Park, Wadsworth, Ohio

I went to high school with Angela and Travis, 10 years later I received the privilege of photographing the beautiful family they have become!