Sunday, August 7, 2011

First cloth diaper

I had no idea people even cloth diapered anymore, until my Dad suggested it when I was pregnant with my 3rd baby, and to be honest, I thought he was insane. Until after the 4th time he mentioned it and I did a Google search on cloth diapers. Holy crap!!! There is a whole big world of cloth diapering Mama's out there and tons upon tons of options. I started my "stash" of cloth diapers with 24 newborn green mountain pre-folds and 6 Thirsties covers.

After a few weeks I got my first Fab-fitteds. I was hooked. I couldn't believe how easy cloth diapering was. 

At about 3 months, he out-grew the covers we had, so I ordered our first pockets. I got 6 Thirsties Duo Diapers, but frankly, I wasn't all that impressed with them. I turned to Fuzzibunz and ordered a bunch of their one-size diapers and a few perfect size. 

Uh! LOVE! I'm a Fuzzibunz addict, they should make a support group. If there is a new color I have to have it. It's  a problem. I have added to our stash over the last several months...2 Flip covers, 6 inserts, a few BumGenius 4.0's, 6 Dinkledooz, and a mix of others. In all seriousness, I love cloth diapering. I try to show them off without saying to every person I meet "Hey! Have you heard about modern cloth?!!". My husband often makes fun of me for putting two cloth diapers on top of my purse in the grocery store in hopes someone will notice (and they do every time:)).  


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