Friday, February 17, 2012

Wonderful Wool

A few months ago I discovered Wool Diaper Covers. I had read about Wool Cover's while researching cloth diapers when I was pregnant with him and I thought they were wildy too expensive and I couldn't see how they would not get everything that touched them soaked, so I moved on and didn't think much about them.
I was recently looking for a more natural, breathable night time diaper for my one year old son when I stumbled upon Wool Cover's again and thought, what the heck, we'll give it a try and, let me tell you, I'm so glad I did. I am in love with our Wool Cover and our son loves it too

When he wears this diaper he just feels so soft and comfy, which is exactly what I wanted for him at night time. The wool wicks the moisture away from the fitted, contour, or pre-fold diaper underneath, but the moisture does not penetrate through the wool, because wool has a built in ability to hold water. It's also naturally anti-bacterial and does not hold odor's, so even if the cover feels wet, it does not need to be washed, simply turn it inside out and lay it flat to dry. Wool only needs to be washed once a week if it is not soiled.

Here is a video on How to Wash and Lanolize a Wool Diaper Cover: